If we look back thousands of years ago when the early human civilization just started rolling, we will find that man’s first creation was painting. Before thousands of years ago man was not civilized. He would go for hunting, would eat raw or roasted meat. At that time painting was his own way to express his feelings. Because man would spend a major time by hunting and searching food, the paintings of that time were all related with hunting.

After that the civilization has kept going forward and the thinking of man got equally change. Slowly he learnt how to speak, how to sing, how to communicate with others. There came letters words and sentence. But the interest of art did not erased; it increased with the time. There came a time when man used drawings and colours for the sake of his spiritual thoughts. The cave paintings, the wall paintings reflect human’s spiritual thoughts and the stories which were brought down to the era by many different persons. With progressing of time the mentalities of artists got equally changed. That’s why we can find differences between the paintings of modern age and the arts of the Europeans in 18th century but every art has its own feelings. The 15th century is the age of renaissance “Renaissance” is a French word which means “rebirth”. In this time new artists would deny the old tradition. They brought a revolution in the art that created new streams like realism, impressionism, futurism, surrealism etc. Different artists got identity throughout the world. Leonardo the Vinci, Raphael, Michelangelo are the artists who became immortal by their paintings. “Monalisa” by Vince, “The School of Athens” by Raphael, “The Night Watch”, “Girl with a Pearl Earring”, “The Starry Night”—are the famous and valuable paintings -which are the contents of “Art”. At ancient time the requirements of arts would be made from colouring rocks, various trees and from animals. With the evolution of time we use artificial colours, synthetic brasses instead of natural equipments. But now man is leaving all of these equipments and having a different choices i.e. computers. Computers can draw pictures, it can do anything what we want but the origin of all those are mechanical.. not manual .These pictures can be beautiful but cannot be valuable. The creativities of man has no end, has no full stop. It has the worth and is unique. Computer can draw but it cannot be the substitute of “Art” and “Man”. The language of painting has the power to bring revolution, it has the power to bring alternation. So it cannot be changed. If “Art” cannot speak, the civilization will loss its language…




Published by whenmythoughtsaremywritings

Writing is my passion. I think that in this digital era blogging will be a good idea to come to the direct touch of everyone. However I am a student and want to know everyone's point of view; because life is an endless run of collecting the small pebbles of knowledge... Here everyone's view is unique.

10 thoughts on “MAN, ART AND PAINTING

  1. Like the previous commenter mentioned, I would go ahead and split this into multiple paragraphs to make for better readability. Also, it’s quite interesting that you call your blog “Site Title.” If this was intentional, I would love to hear the story behind it. I would also consider adding an about page. Give readers a chance to know who you are and what your blog will be about.

    I would love to see you over at my blog sometimes. It would be nice to hear your thoughts on my work, which you can leave in the post comments. I look forward to reading more of your work.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks for your comment … I am late to go through Ur comment, that’s why it took time to comment u back… I am a new blogger, so I am not well concerned about all of its functions… Saying it ‘Site title’ may sound that this blog as well as the blogger is firmed to highlight himself among all of the blogs spread all over the world .. so I am not going to change the title before reaching to my goal 🎨


  2. Excellent Sayak,l have gone through your writing and it really impressed me. Carry on, this will enable you someday to touch the peak of your cherished dream.


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